The second installment of Avengers is actually tad bit disappointing. I guess I expected way more than what was shown in trailers. I personally bought it the movie with IMAX 3D hoping it will be a good movie. You will want to watch it to get to witness some cool superheroes in action but if you coming in for the plot or storyline, expectation please be low. SPOILERS AHEAD! THE GOOD The whole movie is one cool arena of gadgets and also flashy superheroes power. I personally like that they have showed the combination of power of different superheroes, the likes of Captain America's shield and Thor's hammer creating a super shockwaves was indeed epic. If only they showed what Iron Man and Captain's shield can do. The superheroes suit is all modded and looks really good. The appearance of much awaiting Hulk Buster was also an epic moment. It was worth it watching 3D for that particular fight actually as we seen parts being flown in particularly to fix the a...