
Showing posts from 2012

Life is a Routine?

Left - Me, Right - New Things. I'm pretty sure not the only one who wakes up feeling that certain days of my life feels like the previous, or the day before. This situation usually or most surely happen to those who are working because feels like going to school all over again just with higher responsibility and certainly at time insane amount of   pressure . I am not working as of now, therefore certain days of my life feel a little routine which is why during the weekend I be sure to do something that I enjoy alot (it can also be totally random). Lets just say that for me I find watching movie allows me to escape into a certain kind of reality. A certain reality where the movie is shot in certainly movie with better plots definitely enhance that sense of escape. The mind I believe can be the strongest and also the most dangerous enemy to the individual. The power of the mind at times exceed beyond the understanding of me. Controlling the mind can be trickery but...
Total Recall, Totally Entertaining? I'm pretty sure you are all well aware of this show which is a reboot of a show of the same name in the 1990 where starring the almighty Arnold Scwhanger125834 as a star of the show (pretty sure his name comes with some numbers in it). You  all don't need for me to tell you what is in the show because the trailer says it all. Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell) have been implanted with the memory of someone he thought he was. In the quest to find who he really are he is being chased by 2 very beautiful women and then the story unfolds from there. Can he find his true self? Or will he just live on thinking that he is who he used to be. Since this is my first time ever writing a review for a movie, I got to say that I am a gadget person. Watching this movie gives me excitement because of the gadgets that are feature in the movie. The gadgets are so futuristic that it makes the movie feels like it is from the freaking future although pretty ...

Greetings to all earthlings and movie addicts

Harrrrooo to le Peoples Sup people, the reason there is a blog created by me is because I have always wanted to write a review of movies that I watched. Something to also keep track on how much money I have been spending on movies lately. This year only I realize I have been actively watching digital 2D movies in GSC.  I have actually been watching more than 20 FREAKING MOVIES in cinemas this year alone. Obviously this is what I remember only, how about those that I dont remember, some shitty movie that isn't worth your time at all. You know we all been there. Therefore, I hope my blog serves is purpose of providing some movie reviews of what you should be spending money on. p/s: Movie reviews are solely based on my opinion(maybe some of it from my friends too) but then if u do not like it, I'm not apologizing cause read it always with a pinch of salt. If there is anything I can improve, do let me know but if it is the style of movie that I like watching, I am ...