Life is a Routine?
Left - Me, Right - New Things. I'm pretty sure not the only one who wakes up feeling that certain days of my life feels like the previous, or the day before. This situation usually or most surely happen to those who are working because feels like going to school all over again just with higher responsibility and certainly at time insane amount of pressure . I am not working as of now, therefore certain days of my life feel a little routine which is why during the weekend I be sure to do something that I enjoy alot (it can also be totally random). Lets just say that for me I find watching movie allows me to escape into a certain kind of reality. A certain reality where the movie is shot in certainly movie with better plots definitely enhance that sense of escape. The mind I believe can be the strongest and also the most dangerous enemy to the individual. The power of the mind at times exceed beyond the understanding of me. Controlling the mind can be trickery but...