What turn out as an animation for kids quickly became an emotional roller coaster ride for adult because as usual, Disney Pixar always teaches you something one way or the other. I would gladly rate this movie 4 out of 5 stars simply because of its morale value and story progression which I found out that really good comparing with other animation, as usual Pixar never fails to disappoint. THE GOOD Teaches you a lot in terms of emotions. We all sometimes let emotions get the best of us in one way or another. This show has a balance of emotion and mental roller coaster. The core memories are something that we all have in us, the basic of what define us others from the rest. The storyline progression is typical but then what emotions that accompanies the event you can easily relate. THE BAD While talking bout core memories, there are still alot of unexplained on how the memories chosen as the core memories. We can not be having only one emotion as the core...